Airbus Helicopters H155
B1 Panel - 4xSMD45 Version
Complete panel view
This is the B1 Virtual Cockpit version for the Airbus Helicopters H155. This panel is made by DAquiTech for the P.G.S. Replay software. With this one we have the pilot and copilot displays on the same screen with the 4 SMD45. The pilot an copilot instruments values comparaison is easier.
This panel is consisting of two P.F.D. and two N.D. (pilot and co-pilot), 7 backup instruments (two analog clocks, one airspeed indicator, one artificial horizon, one altimeter and two triple rotor indicators), a C.A.S (Caution and Advisory Display), a V.E.M.D. (Vehicule and Engine Monitoring Display) and one SMD68 with a 3D external display.
This type of panel could be used for Flight Operational Quality Assurance (FOQA), Helicopter Flight Data Monitoring (HFDM), and/or Helicopter Operation Monitoring Program (HOMP) processes.
*SMD: Smart Multifunction Display